Synthetic Two-Dimensional Polymers


The Symposium takes place at

ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg Campus

Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 10
8093 Zurich

The HCI building is situated close to the bus stop.


(click on image for larger version)

How to get to the Hönggerberg Campus

From Zurich Airport
Take Train (SBB) as far as Zurich-Oerlikon and continue from Zurich-Oerlikon Nord station with Bus No. 80 (towards Triemlispital) to ETH Hönggerberg
approx. 30 minutes â€" ticket for 3 zones
Take Tram No. 10 (towards Zurich HB) as far as Milchbuck and continue with Bus No. 69 to the terminus ETH Hönggerberg
approx. 45 minutes - ticket for 3 zones

From Zurich Main Station
Take Tram No. 14 (towards Seebach) as far as Milchbuck and continue with Bus No. 69 to the terminus ETH Hönggerberg
Take Tram No. 11 (towards Auzelg) as far as Bucheggplatz and continue with Bus No. 69 to the terminus ETH Hönggerberg
approx. 30 minutes â€" ticket for zone 110 (City of Zurich)

For more information see

URL: /0000-2dp/venue; Time: 18.09.17, 08:42